Your Common Questions About Cataract Surgery

In this blog, we answer some of the most common questions in the minds of patients undergoing cataract surgery...

How To Overcome The Fear Of Cataract Surgery?

Any surgery will make one anxious and worried. There are mixed feelings which are more to do with the...

When Can One Start Exercising After Cataract Surgery?

The recovery after cataract surgery is usually very quick. But it is prudent to avoid strenuous activities like exercising,...

Understanding Cataract Surgery

First, it is important to understand what is cataract. The natural lens in the eye allows light to enter...

Delay in Cataract Surgery

I come across many patients who want to delay cataract surgery. During these corona times, there are many patients...

What Are the Best Foods One Can Take to Prevent Cataracts?

One of the prime reasons for the development of cataracts is oxidation or free radical damage. Free radicals are...

Blurry Vision After Cataract Surgery

Sometimes vision may reduce after cataract surgery. After a few months or years, patients may note that their vision...

Cataract Surgery Can Improve the Quality of Your Life

Many people think they may have cataracts, but they are reluctant to undergo a clinical examination. While some fear...

Vision Imbalance After Cataract Surgery

Most people do not get operated on both eyes cataracts on the same day. What may happen is there...

How to Manage When You Have Early Cataract?

When your eye doctor says you have cataracts, you may get a bit worried. But one should not be...

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