International Patients


Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast

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Travel and Transportation

The hospital will provide all necessary letters to assist you in getting the visa for medical treatment at Axis Eye Clinic.

All the surgeries performed by us are day care surgeries and do not require prolonged hospitalization. But we recommend you stay for at least 3 days after surgery in the city.


Based on the medical needs, we will give you an estimate of the cost involved and the length of stay in India.

All the surgeries performed by us are day care surgeries and do not require prolonged hospitalization. But we recommend you stay for at least 3 days after surgery in the city.


Based on the medical needs, we will give you an estimate of the cost involved and the length of stay in India.


We will provide you with a copy of all your reports, clinical tests and surgical details which you can take back home.

You will be provided with the contact numbers of the doctor. In addition you can write to and will get a reply within 24 hours. Our doctor has been to many countries in the world and has trained many doctors in different parts of the world and will be in a position to put you in touch with a qualified doctor to take care of your condition close to your home in your country.

Post Treatment

We will provide you with a copy of all your reports, clinical tests and surgical details which you can take back home.

You will be provided with the contact numbers of the doctor. In addition you can write to and will get a reply within 24 hours. Our doctor has been to many countries in the world and has trained many doctors in different parts of the world and will be in a position to put you in touch with a qualified doctor to take care of your condition close to your home in your country.

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