Oculoplasty is plastic surgery around the eyes. This includes lid surgery, orbital surgery, tear duct surgery, socket surgery and cosmetic procedures and surgery. This is done to improve the comfort, function and appearance of the eyes.
Special training in this field of eye surgery is needed and years of experience to understand and choose the best surgery for the eye problem.
It is not a long and tiresome procedure. All the procedures are day care with maximum hospitalisation of 1 to 3 hours. Always understand the procedure so that you can plan your rest days in advance, and you know what the outcome will be.
It is important not to take blood thinners before the surgery. Also, one should not smoke before and after surgery. Do not drive back home after the surgery. The complications are minimal and resolve very fast. Most commonly there is bruising which resolves soon.
The common problems which are take care of are
Dr Ramesh Murthy is a renowned eye surgeon and one of the best cataract surgeons of Pune, well-known for his excellent results. He is considered among the best eye specialists in Pune. He is also among the best squint surgeons and oculoplastic surgeon in pune. He is available at Axis Eye Clinic, Pune which is among the best eye clinics in Pune. Axis Eye Clinic provides comprehensive eye care for all eye related problems. The staff at Axis Eye Clinic are well versed with Mediclaim and insurance procedures and are always there to help you. Axis Eye Clinic is empanelled for cashless eye surgery with all insurance companies and has facilities for Bajaj Finance.
- 1. Ptosis or drooping of the eyes
- 2. Loose eye bags – blepharoplasty
- 3. Watering problems – duct blocks
- 4. Lid malposition
- 5. Disfigured eyes following trauma
- 6. Artificial eyes
- 7. Eye cancers
- 8. Brow position problems
- 9. Tumor or masses around the eyes
- 10. Wrinkles around the eyes